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program description of CLTP12

Helen Haile

Class of CLTP12

Present status: System engineer
Present position: System engineer
Field of specialization: System engineering , Spacecraft operation , Ground system engineering
Research Interests: CubeSat developments and applications , Small satellites

Statement of Purpose

I am passionate about studying small satellites and their applications. Recently, I conducted research on how CubeSats can provide developing countries with access to space. This training was extremely valuable as it allowed me to gain hands-on experience in understanding the functionality of each subsystem and how they are assembled. By applying my theoretical knowledge to practical situations, I was able to improve my learning curve significantly. Moving forward, I aspire to further develop my skills in creating CubeSats that can help solve various socio-economic challenges in society as well as teaching the future engineer and knowledge transfer.

Feedback from CLTP12

I received training from the CLTP12 program on how to develop CubeSats through hands-on experience. The program covered all aspects of development, starting from the mission statement and ending with the building of the CubeSat. Design issues were thoroughly examined, and valuable lessons were learned from past failed satellites. This was crucial in understanding that not all missions are successful, and failure can lead to further improvement and education. The training had a multi-disciplinary approach that included system engineering in the development of satellites. Working as a team was essential in accomplishing the mission, and networking opportunities arose from collaborating with teams from diverse backgrounds and countries.

Vision for the future

The development of satellites is an ongoing pursuit, and I am eager to contribute to the advancement of CubeSat technology and participate in the space industry. The training I received enhanced my understanding and knowledge of satellite development .I am excited to apply my expertise towards advancing the boundaries of space exploration and contributing to the incredible growth of this field and capacity building

Message for future CLTP participants

Hi Future CLTP participants, I wanted to express my appreciation for this training as it has provided me with a better understanding of the subsystems and satellite development process. I want you to know how valuable this training is and how much you can learn about subsystems. I wish I had this training earlier, as it gave me a better understanding of the subsystems and CubeSat development process and steps. Please make the most of this experience; sometimes, we doubt ourselves, but don't let that hold you back from growing and achieving your goals. Do not limit yourself or question your abilities. Instead, enjoy and learn as much as possible. Take advantage of every opportunity to network.

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