Istanbul Technical University, Department of Astronautical Engineering, TURKEY
Present Status:
Member of Faculty
Present Position:
Assistant Professor
Field of specialization:
Plasma Physics
Present Research Interests:
Plasma motion at the edge of Tokamak fusion devices
Statement of Purpose
My personal goal was to obtain the information and experience on cansat and to increase my knowledge and understanding about this kind of technology, to utilize it in my future possible studies on sounding rockets and femtoscale satellite technologies. I have also the chance to relay the experience to the first year students of our department and I could also extend them to the younger generation (high school students) who are still in the career planning stage of their life.
Feedback from CLTP program
CLTP was a great opportunity to improve my course “Introduction to Space Engineering and Ethics”. By transferring what I have learned in the program to the new students of our department, I believe that they will be much more motivated to contribute to the aerospace industry.
Vision for the future
I am planning to extend the information and experience I gained in the program both to our students and in the near future to the highschool science teachers and students in order to increase the awareness on space technology in the public.
Message for future CLTP participants
Some previous experience on soldering tiny parts, and preparing harnesses would be very useful. And as Ms. Francis (Smita) has told in Noshiro Space Event “Never give up!”