I want to understand electronic circuit and how to program. Because I belong to a club team which makes rovers but I didn't know that. And I want to know what I should learn deeply in college.
Feedback from CLTP
Since I experienced hands-on training using HEPTA-Sat, I can understand more about electronic circuit and how to program than before. And I want to study aerospace engineering more. I was interesting to talk with other participants about their areas/study, and I can understand more through I had opportunity to teach. I got help from TA who are students of Nihon University. Thank you for them.
Vision for the future
I want to teach newcomers/member of my club who make rovers and students who have interesting in CubeSats. Then, I want to increase the number of people want to study satellites.
In addition, I decided to learn English more because I can't speak foreign participants as I thought.
Message for future CLTP participants
I recommend people who are interested in satellites but don't know what to study from. If you participate this program, you will get good motivation through talking other participants.