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program description of CLTP11

Daniel O. Odido

Class of CLTP11

Present status: University Lecturer
Present position: Lecturer, School of Sciences & Aerospace Studies, Moi University, Kenya; Consultant at Aerospace Insights
Field of specialization: Aeronautical Engineering
Research Interests: Small satellites, Computational Fluid Dynamics

Statement of Purpose

The aerospace industry has always interested me. I have carried out research in aeronautical engineering, with specialization in aeronautics. The newspace industry offers access to an ever widening variety of players. Monitoring pollution by use of small satellites provides an interesting nexus between air flow and space science. Accurate information about air pollution allows us to make interventions that conserve the environment and ensure sustainability of various industrial applications.

I am currently interested in research on small satellites. I was the Principal Investigator of the Research Chair on Nanosatellite development at Moi University in Kenya. The mission was to develop a cubesat to be used in monitoring land use and carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere. The project provided me with a background in developing nanosatellites.

I hope to further develop my skills in making cubesats that can be used in solving various challenges in the society and the economy. New space provides opportunity for the youth to get employment in the burgeoning space industry. I will use my experience in academia to guide students in increasing their skills in the space industry as they also obtain employment opportunities.

I anticipate to assist in developing the next cadre of space engineers in the nascent aerospace industry in Kenya, and Africa in general.

Feedback from CLTP11

CLTP11 provided a rigorous hands-on training that provided expertise in the development of cansats / cubesats. The training covered all aspects of development from mission statement to building the cubesat. All design issues were considered. The multi-disciplinary nature of satellite development became quite clear, emphasizing the importance of systems engineering. The need for collaboration in groups provides a better understanding of the satellite development process. Working with teams from different countries and background provided a great opportunity for networking.

Vision for your future

Development of satellites should not be a one-off activity. I foresee a future when there is a sustained and continuous development in the local space industry. This will open up a new economy that will provide research and employment opportunities. Constantly working on new projects and benchmarking will ensure that the space industry continues to grow in leaps and bounds. Opening access to new space will provide new employment opportunities. I look forward to make my contribution in developing the next generation of engineers and personnel in nanosatellite technology.

Message for the potential CLTP participants

The Cansat/Cubesat Leadership Training Program (CLTP) will provide you with the requisite training for application in the space industry. The CLTP course provides you with opportunity to get hands-on skills in nanosatellite development.

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