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program description of CLTP10

Stoil Ivanov

Class of CLTP10

Present status: PhD candidate
Present position: Researcher (1st level) at Sofia University "St. Kl. Ohridski", Faculty of Physics
Field of specialization: Plasma physics, Satellite thruster technologies, Orbital mechanics
Research Interests: Microwave plasma thrusters for small satellites

Statement of Purpose

The satellite technologies are somewhat missing in the current curriculum of the Bulgarian universities. One of the reasons is the lack of ongoing projects, related to satellite design and utilization. Actually, such project could be related to high budget and only a limited number students could get access to it. This is where the HEPTA-Sat training kicks in. It provides comprehensive theoretical knowledge and practical experience without the need of heavy financing. This is what got my attention in the first place. My desire is to help spread the HEPTA-Sat training throughout Bulgaria and Europe and help more young experts to get practical experience in satellite design.

Feedback from CLTP10

For me CLTP10 was indeed a rewarding experience. We had the opportunity to first learn about CanSat through the provided online lectures. During the training we had the opportunity to integrate and program the HEPTA-Sat module and even design our own missions, going through the process from mission definition to mission execution. The last three days were basically teaching practice, which was vital for confirming what was learned the previous days. The whole experience was amazing!

Vision for the future

My immediate goal is to organize HEPTA-Sat training in Bulgaria, so the Bulgarian universities get familiar with what the training is offering. Hopefully, someday the training will be incorporated in their curriculum, which could boost first the interest in satellite technologies and second - help the satellite design industry in Bulgaria to grow.

Message for future CLTP participants

Get the maximum from the training! The HEPTA-Sat training provides knowledge and experience, which are not easy to get otherwise.

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