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program description of CLTP10

Ndayishimiye Rafiki Yves

Class of CLTP10

Present status and Position: Telecom Engineer at Havilah Engineering Group -Founder & Director of CanSat_Rwa Project
Field of specialization: Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Research Interests: Satellite development

Statement of Purpose

My name is NDAYISHIMIYE Rafiki Yves, am Rwandese, am 23 years old and I have a bachelor's degree in electronics and telecommunication engineering from the University of Rwanda college of science and technology. Since my childhood I was dreaming to be a telecom engineer, I read different books con-tains telecommunication theories and I join the telecommunication option in high school even in University I continue in Telecommunication but engineering always has curious about cutting edge technologies such as satellite, a space ship and so on. In developing countries, we were considering satellite as a technology only can be afford-ed by developed countries but Nano-satellite and Pico-satellite are cheaper and can serve a lot of missions in our countries. My country Rwanda is growing faster in technology and now our first satellite RWASAT-1 is in space in partnership with Japan and the University of Tokyo. I am looking forward to contributing to the development of my country in this journey and for the development of future satellite in my country and Africa. I had skills in embedded systems, programming, and satellite communication. I started a satellite journey by designing a CanSat and I continue to HEPTA-Sat in Japan at the Uni-versity of NIHON in CanSat Leader training program (CLTP10), HEPTA-Sat opens my mind and answer the question I had in satellite development especially for launching for a small satellite. I had a chance to take in my hand different engineering modal of a satellite which is in the space now where are orbiting our earth, this shows me the gaps I have to fulfill to be a good satellite developer. Now I am working on Printed circuit board design and embedded programming and I hope later I will be a good candidate for the development of satellite of my country and Africa. I can take this opportunity to encourage my generation youth in Africa to take the lead and being the source of development on our continent. Together we can achieve more. I would like to conclude by thanking University Space Engineering Consortium (UNISEC) for their different initiatives like CLTP and others to teach the world space technology. Thank you very much!

Feedback from CLTP10

CLTP provides for me a good foundation for satellite development, I learn the basic subsystems of a satellite, project, team management, and risk management. But I would like to recommend the CLTP office to add in the contents design skills and to see how HEPTA-Sat can be launched.

Vision for the future

  1. To start space outreach program in my country RWANDA
  2. To be competent in the Space industry in Africa especially in the development of Satellite

Message for future CLTP participants

Space technology is not something which is magic, it is a science like other science, the difference is its expensiveness. CLTP is one the best way can open your mind about space technology. And shows you different opportunities founded in space technology. Wel-come in CLTP

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