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program description of CLTP10

Giovanna Ramirez

Class of CLTP10

Present Status: Master Candidate
Present position: President of Aerospace chapter. Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society. Colombia
Field of specialization: Electronic Engineering. Aerospace and Electronic Systems
Present Research Interests: Nano/Pico-Satellite development

Statement of Purpose

I consider that CLTP training will provide me the tools, skills and experience to design and develop a satellite, additionally increase my development as a professional in the field of space engineering and facilitate the exchange of knowledge with my country, Colombia. It will be an opportunity to teach and promote the advancement of science, technology and aerospace innovation worldwide.

Feedback from CLTP10

The CLTP program provides a comprehensive knowledge and vision around the field of satellites, in particular it provided me with specific HEPTASat's tools which I can identify the real applications in future space missions, in addition, I not only learned about satellites, but also I acquired programming, systems engineering and project management skills, all of them are important details when carrying out a space project, also, the methodology implemented by CLTP has been the most appropriate for each of the students, because provides the step-by-step learning process through the textbook and the kit for all types of assistants, students and professionals.

Vision for the future

Share with my country and with others the knowledge acquired by applying this training in the next generations, on the other hand, to turn the space mission developed in the CLTP into a reality, creating new types of space projects, solving real-life problems through satellites-HEPTASats and finally, increase the degree of interest and participation of all humanity in the aerospace field.

Message for future CLTP participants

CLTP is the best program to learn, experiment and acquire skills for the development of satellites and in general in space engineering. This training will allow you to enjoy an aerospace environment and teamwork with the best trainers, the most appropriate kits, and different participants around the world. **Join this great experience and lets become your space mission a reality**

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